Apprentices and trainees

Why should businesses offer a young people an apprenticeship or work-based training opportunity?

In order to future proof businesses it is essential to have new apprentices/ trainees working their way through the ranks as part of an ongoing cycle. The benefits of having young people on the team come down to more than just sensible planning as apprentices and trainees can help to encourage a culture of learning within your organisation and are cost effective to employ. 96% of employers that take on an apprentice say that it brings benefits to their business

Young people are flexible and willing to learn as typically they are not burdened by old ways of doing things. They bring innovation, energy, new ideas and knowledge into business. As current consumers and future purchasers of goods and services they also bring important new insights into business.

Work experience/ placements

These are a great way for employers to 'try before they buy', reducing many of the risks associated with recruitment and can make finding the right match for your business an easier process that yields greater productivity more quickly. 87% of graduate recruitment in 2013 went to youngsters who had previously worked on a placement with the employer. With the benefit of work experience young employees perform more effectively and require less training. Placements are an ideal way for employers to recruit and 'shape' candidates to become perfectly suited to their requirements.

Employers who choose to take advantage of incentivised placements, traineeships and apprentices in Surrey will have the opportunity to liaise with education and training providers and be in the unique position of being able to influence the curriculum and the standards we set locally to ensure Surrey's young people are better prepared for employment. Investing in the future in this way will help create an emerging pool of skilled young talent.

What funding is available?

The National Apprenticeship Service currently offers a grant to help small-medium sized employers to recruit new apprentices aged between 16 and 24. Employers can claim £1,500 support for up to 10 apprentices.

The Skills Funding Agency will pay for the full cost of training of an apprentice starting their course of study before they are 19 years old, and 50% of the cost for an apprentice aged 19-24. This is paid directly to the organisation that provides and supports the apprenticeship - in most cases the learning provider.

How can I find out more?

The National Apprenticeship Service provides a dedicated service to employers, offering free, impartial advice and support to those looking to recruit apprentices for the first time or expand their apprenticeship programme and full information is available on the National Apprenticeship Service website or telephone 08000 150 600.

The Association of Learning Providers in Surrey (ALPS) can also provide local advice and guidance.