Tendering guidance

Guidance on tendering

Thresholds for Public Contract Regulations 2015 – Valid from 1 January 2020

Contract TypeThreshold
Public supply and public services contracts£189,330
Public works contracts and works concessions£4,733,252
Contracts for social and other specific services£663,540

Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 - Valid from 1 January 2020

Work or services concession contracts - £4,733,252

Spend under the EU thresholds

Opportunities under the EU thresholds are advertised using a Request for Quotation/ Proposal according to the organisational policy. Depending on the public body, the way these opportunities are advertised may vary. For further information take a look at the buyer information pages.

Spend above the EU thresholds

Public sector bodies are required to follow the EU tender regulations. This simply means that a defined procedure is followed which ensures, amongst other things, that buyers are fair and transparent and achieve best value for money. Most tenders are run online via an e-tendering portal.

This guide gives a brief outline of the different stages in a tender process. Not every stage will always be used; the process is determined by the size, value and sensitivity of the contract being awarded. Supplier events/market shaping sessions, e-auctions and site visits may also take place prior to the start of a tender, depending on the nature of the contract.

You can also read our frequently asked questions about the tender process.