Work and skills

It is vital for employers to access staff with the right skills to help them grow their businesses. There are several ways to expand your business whilst supporting Surrey's local economy and increasing your organisation's Social Value profile.

Bring on new skill sets through apprentices and trainees and save money hiring

An apprenticeship is a way for young people to earn while they learn in a real job, becoming skilled in a trade or a job, gaining a real qualification and a real future. A traineeship is an education and training programme with work experience that is focused on giving young people the skills and experience that employers are looking for. It is a stepping stone into employment, apprenticeships or further training.

Find more information on the funding available and the benefits of taking on apprentice/ trainee.

Build reliability, diversity and hi-tech skills into your workforce by working with disabled people

Surrey Choices offer information and support to employers who want to recruit people with disabilities.
There are lots of benefits to employing people with disabilities in your business or organisation.
Current partner companies working with Surrey Choices are delighted with their new members of staff
because they:

Are loyal and hardworking
Increase the diversity of the workforce
Provide opportunities for existing staff to learn new skills
Demonstrate a commitment to innovation and inclusivity
Come with dedicated support and training

For more information and support visit