Social value guidance

The Social Value marketplace has been developed to support networking, collaboration and the sharing of resources between the public, private and third sector.

The Social Value marketplace has 2 main areas:


This is where voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) organisations can place requests for goods, services and resources they need to continue to provide support services to our residents. VCFS organisations should contact their local Council for Voluntary Service to advertise their requests for goods, services and resources. VCFS organisations can also search the goods, services and resources that businesses are offering.

Businesses can search the opportunities section to find social value projects / requests that they can support. By registering businesses can also post adverts for goods, services and resources that they have available for social value projects which VCFS organisations can apply for.

Express an interest:

If you find an opportunity that you are interested in click on View Opportunity to see more information. By clicking the Express Interest button you can message the organisation, ask a question, offer your services or apply for the project. To express an interest you will need to login or create an account. Once you have logged in you can amend the details at any time by clicking on my My Account. Once registered you can also post and delete opportunities etc.

Awarding an opportunity:

If you have posted an opportunity you will receive an automatic email notification when someone expresses an interest to your request. You will need to log into your account to view the response and award the opportunity


This provides a directory of organisations in Surrey delivering Social Value projects. Businesses can use this to identify organisations that align with their Corporate Social Responsibility / Social Value strategy.

Search and filters

Using the Search field in the top left hand corner of the screen allows you to enter keywords and search all entries.


Filtering by available allows you to view the current opportunities that you can support or the current offers you can avail of

Filtering by awarded allows you to view previous opportunities that businesses or the VCFS have supported and availed of

Search by type

Use this filter to select goods, services and/or resources requested to identify how you can contribute. You can also filter by goods, services and resources offered to identify how you can benefit.

Search by area

If you are interested in delivering social value within a particular area use the tab on the right hand side to filter by district/borough or multi select to see opportunities in more than one region.

Registration: Key points

Please ensure you complete all the details in the registration form.

When adding social value opportunities please ensure the financial values you allocate are an accurate and realistic reflection of the value and benefit.

If the opportunity you have posted is no longer available please ensure you log into your account and award or remove the opportunity.